What I do

cutmts: MTS verlustfrei schneiden / cut MTS losslessly
cutmp3: mp3s verlustfrei schneiden / cut mp3s losslessly
xcutmp3: Oberfläche für cutmp3 / frontend for cutmp3

cutoggvorbis: Ogg/Vorbis Dateien verlustfrei schneiden / cut Ogg/Vorbis files losslessly

audiokonverter: easily convert between MP3, OGG, AAC, FLAC, WMA, RealAudio and WAV

small programs:
simpleFFTfilter: Messkurven glätten / smooth Measurement data
hyst2excel.pl: convert TFA ASCII export to Excel spreadsheet
x002dat.pl: convert Philips XRD .x00 file to better ASCII format
gpx3dprofile: Generates a 3D view of the first track or route in a GPX file using Perl with Libgd
gpx2tour: Generates a .tour file for Hac4linux from a GPX file
tour2pics: Generates nice plots from a Hac4linux .tour file using Perl with Libgd and Gnuplot
kml2length: Calculates the length of a path in a google earth KML or KMZ file

A (debian) Matrix boot logo for lilo
Make XMMS look like the Keramik style by copying this zip-file to ~/.xmms/Skins/

(old) eMoviX: von CD booten und Videos/DVDs/AudioCDs abspielen!

Musik hören
Radfahren: Infos über Ciclosport Radcomputer
Mopped fahren

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